“A person who never made mistakes never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein
Career Profiles Index- Lists hundreds of careers with descriptions that include education/training, wages, job outlook and more. Great site!
Princeton Review- Go straight to the "career search" on this site. It has a fairly large database of careers that start with "A day in the life of ..."
Schools in the USA - Here you can search 1,000+ career profiles, use the career planner and find job hunting tips .
University Career Centers-See the colleges you are considering attending and what career services they offer.
Welcome To Your Future– The high school student's resource page, this site has many useful links to career exploration, very comprehensive. Start here if you are investigating careers, or looking for some assistance in finding what best suits your interests and personality. This page has great links for job search, resume writing and MORE!
Planning a Career- This site has one of the best overall career planning strategies available on the web. It is divided into sections for high school, middle school and college students, as well as a section for school counselors.
Occupational Outlook Handbook- Published by the US Dept of Labor, the Handbook gives detailed information on several hundred different careers.
Learn Link- Learn about different careers, your strengths and career compatibility, build and post your resume.
Life Works – This web site is designed to explore health and medical science careers .
Resumania-(University of Minnesota)- Get help with writing your resume here! This step-by step-tutorial contains some excellent examples of three different types of resumes and walks you through the process of writing a resume.
The Job Hunter's Bible - From the author of "What Color is my Parachute", Dick Bolles, this site is designed as a supplement to his book. Lots of very practical information here!
NCDAThe National Career Development Association (NCDA) is a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA). The mission of NCDA is to promote the career development of all people over the life span. NCDA provides service to the public and professionals involved with or interested in career development, including professional development activities, publications, research, public information, professional standards, advocacy, and recognition for achievement and service. The one-stop resource for students and recent grads who want to prepare for life outside of high school.
Education On-line- This site is full of articles describing numerous careers and is intended to provide you with a helpful start in thinking about what career may best for you.
Career Key - Measures how similar you are to six personality types and how these relate to different jobs. You are then encouraged to explore them using the Occupational Outlook Handbook. It is fun, free, and may help you figure out the direction you should take.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter - This personality inventory organizes your answers to approximately 60 questions into four personality types. More information is given about temperament, and gives the personality types of famous people. Very interesting site.
ASVAB – Information on the ASVAB. It explains the ASVAB test and how the ASVAB can help you in career exploration and planning for the future.
Learn Link Assessments - Here you can find your True Color with corresponding jobs, find your Career Strengths and ACT Work Keys. Research, catalogued , and analyzed all the different online tutoring platforms that are currently popular to get and understanding of what they offer and hoe a student can get the most our of their services.